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Miguel Nunes:Qualitative Research Methods: Theory and Practice

发布日期2018年12月14日 16:57 点击:[]

Seminar Topic:'Qualitative Research Methods: Theory and Practice'

Time:10:30 am-12:00 am in December 17, 2018

Venue:Room 918 in Building 9

Lecturer:Professor Miguel Nunes

Brief Introduction:

Miguel Nunes, professor and the Dean of the School of Information Management at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Prior to this appointment, he has worked in the Information School of the University of Sheffield for 23 years. Miguel’s main research interests are information systems, knowledge management and information management. He specifically works on areas such as information systems modelling, information systems design and development, database design and development, project management, risk management, and information systems change management. Miguel has also an historical interest in e-learning, particularly in social constructivist approaches to curriculum and course design, instructional systems design, and web based learning environments for active and distance learning. He has published more than 200 articles in academic journals and conferences, one book on action research for e-learning, and serves as chair for a number of International conferences. Miguel has also lead and participated in several projects funded by EU, UK and Chinese. He is also the current Chair of the Asia-Pacific iSchool, the fellow of the British Computing Society and the Higher Education Academy in the UK.

This talk focuses on the basic ontological and epistemological corner stones behind qualitative research. Additionally, the talk will address aspects of research design, data collection and data analysis in qualitative research, illustrated by examples of research practice. Finally, the talk will discuss different approaches to qualitative research, such as Grounded Theory, Thematic Analysis, Ethnography, Phenomenology and Action Research.