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Wu Dan:Cross-device Web Search

发布日期2019年03月11日 16:58 点击:[]

Seminar Topic:'Cross-device Web Search'

Time:2:00 pm-3:30 pm in March 15, 2019

Venue:Academic Lecture Hall, 3rd floor of the library

Lecturer:Professor Wu Dan, from Wuhan University

Brief Introduction:

Leading a life in a multi-device environment, it is common for people to utilize multiple devices and span several sessions to search the same topic, which is referred as the cross-device search. It takes time to switch devices in the cross-device search, which interrupts the search task and leads to the task resumption. Then are there any differences on queries, search behaviors, search performance between pre-switch and post-switch sessions? This talk will introduce what is the cross-device search, relate it to relevant conceptual models, present the design and development of a system to support cross-device search, discuss the change patterns of semantic similarity of cross-device search queries, explore the cross-device search behavior modelling and predict users’ search performance in cross-device search. This talk will highlight a number of challenges and possible solutions for cross-device web search and recommendation.