旧站栏目 个人悼念-学者 正文
  • Thank you for the very sad news of the passing of Professor Zhang Kaiyuan. I remember well the honour he brought to our meetings in 2015, in his wise remarks and the courteous philosophy that came with him. I have been able to read his biographical details on the web-site, which mentions his birth on 8 July 1926, his long association with Huazhong Normal University and the titles of his two books in English that are held in many scientific libraries. My son, Richard, (whose 60th birthday was clebated in March) and Mrs Bradley wish to join in this message to you.

    We take this opportunity of sending our best wishes both to Professor Ma and to the Central China Normal University Wollongong Joint Institute.

    Yours sincerely,

    Anthony Bradley

    英国爱丁堡大学Anthony Bradley教授(Anthony Bradley教授的外祖父潘雅德(Arthur Bonsey)是汉口博学书院的校长,其家族同我校历史有着深厚的渊源。1924年,博学书院大学部(正科)与博文书院的大学部、武昌文华大学合并,成立华中大学,即我校前身。)Bradley教授一家2015年5月来访我校。